Showing posts with label how to be a healthy person. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to be a healthy person. Show all posts

how to be a healthy person

It's difficult to be healthy sometimes, but we all know that without being healthy, we won't live long. Living long would be nice, so we need to be healthy
Want to become a very healthy person? It's all about making gradual changes. Following the steps in this article offer several benefits for you .
1 To regular metabolism , keep your body hydrated with several glass of water. A good rule of thumb is to take your weight and divide in half to find out how much water you should be drinking daily. . If you weigh 100 pounds, you need to drink half that weight in ounces (50 ounces) of water every day.
Average 8 hours of sleep is most essential for a teen ager. . Getting enough sleep raises your alertness during the day, and minimizes anxiety. Regulate a set bed time each night and try to stick to
3 Eat early Breakfast regularly : Breakfast provides your body first fuel of the day so teen age girl must eat breakfast early in the morning. Good breakfast foods include fruit, eggs, milk, cream of wheat, oatmeal, or toast.
4 Must avoid junk food: junk food is food that is calorie-dense and nutrient poor. Fast foods often contain too many calories and too little nutrition. If fast food is a regular component of your diet, you might find yourself struggling with weight problems and ill health. Physical exercise you don't need to run every day to be healthy, just do things that challenge your body. Do push-ups, sit-ups, or pull-ups in between assignments or take a quick break for exercise every 15-20 minutes.